4-Day Off-Season Workout Program for Youth Wrestlers

Our 4-day off-season workout program for youth wrestlers focuses on building strength, power, and conditioning while maintaining mobility. Many youth wrestlers are multi-sport athletes who may not always have access to a wide variety of workout equipment at the times they can train.

For these reasons, we want to make sure workouts are not excessively long and complicated. Using compound exercises for the majority of the movements ensures that all major muscle groups are included while saving time.

This off-season wrestling workout program is split into two phases.

Phase 1 Pre-Season Workout Program for Wrestlers

Phase 1 is four weeks dedicated to building “Strength and Hypertrophy”. Using just their body weight or basic home gym equipment, wrestlers complete the resistance training exercises in either circuit or super-set format.

The circuit and superset formats improve the wrestler’s aerobic conditioning, make the workouts fun and interesting, and also save even more time. At the end of each workout, either high- or low-intensity cardio is prescribed. Improving endurance means athletes are just as powerful at the end of a match as they are at the start.

Week 1-4: Daily warmups

These are the warmups we suggest doing every day before the main workout.

  • Inchworm: 45 seconds
  • World’s Greatest Stretch: 45 seconds
  • Lateral Squat: 45 seconds
  • Alternating Split Squat: 45 seconds

Week 1-4: Monday

A1Split Squat38-10 per leg0
A2DB Row38-10 per arm30 sec
B2Push-Ups35-10 (or 80% of max)30 sec
C1Lying Leg Lift310-150
C2Side Plank330-60s hold 30 sec
Optional: try doing some plyometric pushups if you can!

Week 1-4: Tuesday

Warm UpJog 5 min.; 5x50yd sprint 112 minutes
A1Walking Lunge38-12 per leg0
A2Side-to-side Lateral Hop38-10 per leg30 sec
A3Standing Long Jump38-100
A4Single-Leg Calf Raise310-12 per leg30 sec
Cardio Jogging15-10 minutes
Perform A1-A4 as a circuit

Week 1-4: Thursday

A1Jump Squat38-10 per leg0
A2OH DB Push Press38-10 per arm30 sec
B1Glute Bridge38-100
B2Weighted Sit-Up35-10 (or 80% of max)30 sec
C1DB Biceps Curl310-150
C2Bench Dips330-60s hold 30 sec
CardioJogging, biking, elliptical, stationary bike, treadmill.130 minutes, moderate intensity
To help build strength, do your motions more slowly than normal.

Week 1-4: Friday

Warm UpJog 5 min.; 5x50yd sprint (2-3 min rest)112 min
A1Goblet Squat38-10 per leg0
A21/2 Kneeling Shoulder Press38-10 per arm30 sec
B1DB Glute Bridge38-100
B2SL Deadlift35-10 (or 80% of max)30 sec
C1Band Lat Pulldown310-150
C2DB Calf Raise330-60s hold 30 sec
Cool down Jogging15-10 minutes
Always make sure your form is excellent.

Phase 2 Pre-Season Workout Program for Wrestlers

In Phase 2, the focus is “Max Strength and Power”. The movements become more challenging and many of them explosive. Explosiveness is extremely important for wrestlers, especially in the lower body.

See also  Best Hip Flexor Exercises for Strength

Developing explosive strength will help the wrestlers in their throws, takedowns, and more. Similar to phase 1, the workout formats are circuits or supersets ending with either high- or low-intensity cardio.

Once wrestlers have completed both phases 1 and 2, a rest week should be taken before returning to phase 1.

Week 5-8: Daily warmups

These are the warmups we suggest doing every day before the main workout.

  • Inchworm: 45 seconds
  • World’s Greatest Stretch: 45 seconds
  • Lateral Squat: 45 seconds
  • Alternating Split Squat: 45 seconds

Week 5-8: Monday

A1Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat38-10 per leg0
A2Bird Dog Row38-10 per arm30 sec
B2Close Grip DB Bench Press310-1230 sec
C1Flutter Kicks310-150
C2Side Plank Dips330-60s hold 30 sec
CardioJogging, biking, elliptical, stationary bike, treadmill – moderate intensity130 minutes
Use explosive motions as you press away from yourself.

Week 5-8: Tuesday

Warm UpJog 5 min.; 5x50yd sprint 112 minutes
A1Push ups330 sec. max reps0
A2Sit outs31 min. max reps0
A3Stand ups31 min max reps0
A4Standing long jump32 jumps2 min
B1Russian Twists315-200
B2Sit-ups315-201 min
Cardio Jogging15-10 minutes
Push yourself and get as many reps as you can!

Week 5-8: Thursday

A1Constant Tension Goblet Squat38-10 per leg0
A2Half-Kneeling Shoulder Press38-10 per arm30 sec
B1Single Leg Glute Bridge38-120
B2Weighted Sit-Up310-1230 sec
C1DB Hammer Curl38-100
C2Bench Dips38-10 30 sec
CardioJogging, biking, elliptical, stationary bike, treadmill.130 minutes, moderate intensity
Constant tension: no pausing at the top or bottom of the movement

Week 5-8: Friday

Warm UpJog 5 min.; 5x50yd sprint 112 minutes
A1Push ups330 sec. max reps0
A2Sit outs31 min. max reps0
A3Stand ups31 min max reps0
A4Standing long jump32 jumps2 min
B1Russian Twists315-200
B2Sit-ups315-201 min
Cardio Jogging15-10 minutes
Try to increase reps each week!

After phase 1 and phase 2 are completed, take a week’s rest and then start back over, this time using progressive overload concepts to increase either weight or reps!

See also  30 Day Pull-Up Progression Guide

About The Author:

Megan Sparacio is a certified personal trainer who writes on health and fitness. She has over five years of experience writing well-researched pieces aimed at helping folks reach their fitness and lifestyle goals.

Megan is passionate about staying up-to-date with and communicating methods to help others make lasting changes in their physical fitness, behavior, and mindset. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, running and lifting, and painting.

She currently lives in Tennessee and also works as a NASM Certified Personal Trainer.